I’m looking for a job
Whatever your work or career goals might be, we can support you at Mylestones Solutions. We offer a range of NDIS supported employment and transition to work options with full-time or part-time positions, award based wages, on-the-job training, traineeships or internships and, most importantly, a safe, supportive and inclusive working environment.

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
Are you or someone you know about to finish school? The School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) program helps young people prepare for employment. These programs are designed to help you transition from school to work, whether that’s discovering what to do next, or learning new skills to get you there. With Mylestones you can expect to build confidence, gain new skills and increase your independence.

Join our work crews
We employ people with disabilities in small commercial garden, maintenance and retail market crews across Queensland. By joining our crews, you can learn new skills, meet people and provide quality services to local businesses. You’ll also have access to traineeships and skilled support workers to guide you each step of the way.

Transition to work programs
Our range of transition to work programs will support you to write a resume, confidently attend interviews, work effectively in a team, register for job search sites and improve your communication and presentation skills. We can also support you to find and enrol in training, traineeships or short courses to grow your skills before entering the workforce.
For more information about how we can help with NDIS supported employment, please call us on 1300 635 627 or